Odd-shaped rugs - what’s all the fuss about?

Odd-shaped rugs - what’s all the fuss about?

Have you ever considered an odd-shaped rug for your interior design? If you haven't, it's time to jump on the bandwagon! Odd-shaped rugs are the latest trend in interior design, and for good reason. They add style and visual interest to any space and can even create a sense of movement and flow. 

In this blog post, we'll explore why odd-shaped rugs are the new hype for interior design, and how you can incorporate them into your own home.

Why Odd-Shaped Rugs Are the New Hype for Interior Design

  • Best conversation starters

Odd-shaped rugs are unique and eye-catching, which is precisely what makes them so popular. They can come in any shape and size, from triangles and hexagons to animal-shaped rugs. These rugs immediately draw attention and add visual interest to any space. Plus, they can be a great conversation starter when you have guests over.

  • Add style to any interior design

Odd-shaped rugs add an extra layer of style to any interior design. They create a focal point and can be used to tie together different design elements. An odd-shaped rug can create a sense of continuity between different pieces of furniture and add a pop of color to a neutral room. They can also be used to add a playful touch to a child's room or a unique feature to a home office.

  • Create a sense of movement and flow

Odd-shaped rugs can create a sense of movement and flow in a space. The shape of the rug can lead the eye from one area of the room to another, creating a sense of continuity and flow. A round rug, for example, can create a sense of unity and harmony between different pieces of furniture, while a zigzag-shaped rug can add a sense of energy and movement.

Fun Rug by Ruggism                 

Fun rug in pink and blue color wool and silk odd-shaped irregular rug by ruggism in gray living room with white wallsGreen pente rug by ruggism in wool set up in waiting area green interior design







 Pente Rug by Ruggism

How to Incorporate Odd-Shaped Rugs into Your Interior Design

  • Choose the right size and shape

The first step in incorporating an odd-shaped rug into your interior design is to choose the right size and shape. Consider the size of the room, the furniture you already have, and the shape of the rug you want to add. A small, circular rug can be used to add a pop of color to a neutral room, while a large, irregularly shaped rug can be used to define different areas of a larger space.

  • Use the rug to tie together different design elements

Odd-shaped rugs can be used to tie together different design elements in a room. Choose a rug that complements the colors and styles of the furniture and other decor elements in the room. If you have a lot of straight lines and sharp angles in the room, a round or curvy rug can add a softening touch.

  • Make it the focal point of the room

Odd-shaped rugs are unique and eye-catching, so make sure to make them the focal point of the room. Place the rug in a prominent location, such as in the center of the room, and choose furniture and decor elements that complement the rug. Keep other design elements simple and neutral to let the rug take center stage.

Grey cream irregular rug by ruggism elemental rug
Elemental Rug by Ruggism 

If you're interested in incorporating an odd-shaped rug into your home, be sure to check out our collection of hand-made odd-shaped rugs here

With our selection of rugs, you can add a unique and eye-catching element to your home decor. Choose the right size and shape to complement your interior design, and make the rug the focal point of the room. With these tips, I hope you'll be able to enjoy the added style and visual interest that an odd-shaped rug brings to your space.

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